Frequently Asked Questions

The answer to getting out of debt begins here

When clients come to my office and speak to me about a possible bankruptcy they have many questions. Over the years I have heard many. In many instances they are the same questions. These are questions that these people seek the answers to because the answers will help them decide the steps they will take. I have compiled a list of these questions to help individuals seeking answers. The following are some of these questions.
1. If I file for bankruptcy will I have to give up all my assets?
2. What is a chapter 7 bankruptcy?
3. What is a chapter 13 bankruptcy?
4. What is the difference between a 7 and 13?
5. Which one should I use?
6. What is a means test?
7. Can I save my house wit a bankruptcy?
8. What is an automatic stay?
9. What is the difference between a secured debt and unsecured debt.
10. How can I keep my car?
11. Can I discharge my IRS debt?
12. Will the creditors have to stop calling me?
13. What kinds of debts are dischargeable and which ones are not?
14. Can they take my house if I file bankruptcy?
What makes us different is that we walk you through every stage, making the process easier to deal with. At our law firm our first priority is you the client. Let our experience work for you.