Considering Bankruptcy ?The Arreaza law firm can help.

Considering Bankruptcy ?

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The answer to getting out of debt begins here

Getting Started

The answer to getting out of debt begins here You have reviewed your situation and you have decided to do it so how do you get started. The first thing you want to do is be clear about what are about to do. With our firm you are asked to fill out an information sheet […]

Bankruptcy Evaluation

  The answer to getting out of debt begins here In making your decision you will go through a case evaluation. This process like any other process in life is one that you should through very carefully. Our firm begins our evaluation by setting up an appointment to see the client. As a client you […]

Will I be able to keep my home

he answer to getting out of debt begins here   Since 2008 many people have been struggling with their mortgages and many have come close to losing their homes after foreclosure crisis kicked in. One of the areas that people looked for help was in the area of bankruptcy. Many people filed bankruptcies in an […]

What happens to my car

  The answer to getting out of debt begins here   When clients initiate the bankruptcy process they almost always go into what I call the panic of the unknown. They are scared they will be losing their vehicle so they will not be able to go to work because in south Florida the transit […]

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What happens to my car

The answer to getting out of debt begins here When clients initiate the bankruptcy process they almost always go into what I call the panic of the unknown. They are scared they will be losing their vehicle so they will not be able to go to work because in south Florida the transit system is […]

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Frequently Asked Questions

The answer to getting out of debt begins here When clients come to my office and speak to me about a possible bankruptcy they have many questions. Over the years I have heard many. In many instances they are the same questions. These are questions that these people seek the answers to because the answers […]

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What bankruptcy do I file to keep my home ?

Since 2008 many people have been struggling with their mortgages and many have come close to losing their homes after foreclosure crisis kicked in. One of the areas that people looked for help was in the area of bankruptcy. Many people filed bankruptcies in an effort to save their homes from foreclosure. This comes with […]

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Hospital and Medical Bills

The answer to getting out of debt begins here   One of the biggest reasons that could cause an individual to consider filing bankruptcy is if they get hurt or become ill and have to spend time in a hospital and as a result a debt is incurred that could be quite a bit of […]

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Automatic Stay

The answer to getting out of debt begins here   When an individual files the bankruptcy petition all pending lawsuits or any other legal automatically stops. This is referred to as an automatic stay. This is very import because it can stop foreclosures, garnishments, or the enforcement of other lawsuits during the pendency of the […]

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Credit Cards

The answer to getting out of debt begins here One of the most widely asked questions when Iā€™m interviewing someone that is considering a bankruptcy is ā€œ what will happen with my credit cards? Will I have to continue paying them? Will they be discharged ?ā€. The good news is that your credit cards are […]

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